
About Yoshindo's Compliance Standards of Conduct

People's lives depend on Yoshindo's products. This implies the need for a high level of ethical responsibility. Yoshindo has grown immensely since its inception under the guidance of its corporate philosophy of "Creativity and Reliability" while working to provide a stable supply of high quality inexpensive generic pharmaceuticals. In the future, we plan to focus on the creation and sale of even better products and expanding the scale of our business while fulfilling the varied needs of our customers. During this process, we must also take care to fulfill our responsibilities as a member of society. This is part of the meaning of our existence as an "essential enterprise". With that in mind, we created the "Yoshindo Compliance Standards of Conduct". All employees and staff adhere to these standards of conduct. As participants in the pharmaceutical industry, we respect and comply with all laws, including the Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Law and other related ordinances, as well as corporate law, the Unfair Competition Prevention Law, the Personal Information Protection Law, and labor laws. We also make sincere efforts to maintain a high standard of ethics in all of our dealings with everyone from our customers, clients, and industry counterparts to our local community and our employees. We will continue to strive into the future to maintain CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) as a part of our DNA while taking the initiative to preserve compliance.

Standards of Conduct

Fundamental Frame of Mind

  1. 1.We, as an entity involved with the manufacture of medicine entrusted with people's health, will comply with all laws, and maintain a high level of ethical responsibility, including bioethics, in all of our actions.
  2. 2.We pledge to contribute to the health, well-being, and medical treatment of the people by conveniently providing inexpensive generic pharmaceuticals of good quality to patients and medical personnel.
  3. 3.We recognize that the foundation of the existence of our enterprise lies in the contributions that we make not only in improving people's lives, but also in the various social issues that we attempt to solve through our work. We are dedicated to fulfilling our Corporate Social Responsibility.
  4. 4.We understand that other business entities participate in the process of getting our products to patients and medical personnel, including research and development, manufacture, sales, and distribution. If one of said companies or entities violates our compliance standards, it will have an impact on the trust people place in our products. We act with this constantly in mind.


  1. a.Because the pharmaceutical manufacturing industry creates medicine, a product that is tied to the lives and health of people, an especially strict and higher level of corporate ethics is expected. At Yoshindo, we strive to be recognized by society as a necessary and essential business through the reliable provision of high quality pharmaceuticals. Each and every member of our company must accept this as their mission, and regulate their actions based on a high level of corporate responsibility. A high level of corporate responsibility is one of strict self-control that puts the sanctity of life above all else, and possesses humility in scientific endeavors.
  2. b.The pharmaceutical needs of patients and medical personnel are not only safety and efficiency, but also extend to the quality of life (QOL) of patients and improvement in the quality of medical treatment. We strive to research and develop products that increase convenience for patients and medical personnel, and provide them at a high quality and a low price. We are constantly working at being able to fill greater needs.
  3. c.As members of the pharmaceutical industry, we at Yoshindo work to build mid to long term relationships of mutual trust between consumers, our customers, patients, medical personnel, and the drug manufacturing industry.